Tuesday, January 22, 2008

CAP Flight (21 JAN 08)

I expected to fly at 100 today, but the airplane was overdue on an unscheduled PPL checkride.

We waited in the tower until 1700 when the plane returned. After a quick but thorough preflight, we climbed into the 172.

After so much time in Bonanzas the 172 seemed very small.

I sat in the right seat as I need the practice handling the airplane from that position. We stayed in the pattern for touch and gos (all were stop and go this evening).

I had a bit of difficulty maintaining centerline from the right. The combination of relearning rudder effectiveness in a 172 and right seta sight picture helped make it a challenege.

Once airborne the flying came easy. Throttle, mixture, and carb heat control were all simple. Right hand yoke control seemed to transfer well also. I could fly coordinated and maintained altitude, airspeed, and bank angle in the pattern.

The first landing was off as I was right of centerline and flared a bit high. The final result wasn't too rough although there was a bit of side load on the gear.

Ryan flew most of the circuits and I took it back for a few. Each was a bit better. We had the additional challenge of landing without the landing light, but the moonlit sky and the bright runway lights helped.

Overall a good quick practice. I need to schedule the airplane again and get some more practice soon.

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