Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What it Takes (Money)

    • $109 + state and local taxes = $115.54
    • Instructor fee = $48
    • Total = $163.54 per hour dual instruction
      The sport pilot certificate requires a minimum of 20 hours of flight training (15 dual instruction and five supervised solo).
        • 15 * 163.54 = $ 2453.10
        • 5 * 115.54 = $ 577.70
        • Total = $ 3030.18
          That's the cost at minimum time. Figure a more likely total of 30-35 hours (5 more dual, 5 more solo)

          The private pilot certificate requires a minimum of 40 hours of flight training (20 dual instruction and 20 supervised solo). You can earn your private certificate at Adventure in the SportStar.

          Frequent flying pays -- If you fly two or three times a week you’ll earn your certificate in fewer hours than if you fly less often.

          You will need to study for, then pass, the FAA knowledge exam on a dedicated computer terminal and costs $150. Preparation can be done in a formal ground school, through self-study, or self-study supplemented by ground lessons with your instructor.

          The Practical Examination ("checkride") is a two-hour oral exam followed by a one-hour flight test. The examination fee is $300.

          1 comment:

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