Monday, May 10, 2010

May Morning

Flew KWAY to Fairmont, WV (4G7) this morning. We had widespread frost but by the time I reached the airport the sun had warmed the hangar a bit. Ambient temperture was right around 40 so I didn't pre-heat the engine.

I topped off with 3 gallons of 100LL I had stored in a gas can, preflight, then pulled out into the brilliant sunshine.

Startup was normal, and soon temperatures and pressures were as expected.

7 minutes later I was pointing down the runway. The airplane climbed quite nicely in the cold, dense air. I pointed south and levelled off at 2500 feet.

It was surprisingly bumpy this cold, clear morning. From the way the steam wafted from the powerplants I could tell I had a steady headwind, with winds out of the southwest at 10-15 1000 feet above the surface.

It took 30 minutes from startup to shutdown. I had a nice, straight-in approach the runway 23 in Fairmont (first time I've landed in that direction in a couple of years) with a gentle touchdown.

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