Saturday, January 28, 2012

Gorgeous January Morning

We can't complain much about this winter (at least here on the lee side of the Alleghenies). It's been mild with only one snow storm so far that dropped 3-6 inches and melted in days.

I checked the forecast last evening and despite a predicted strong southerly flow at 3,000, winds at ground level wouldn't pick up until later in the morning. Sp clock set for 0600, battery charger on, ready to go.

There was a high overcast but it was clear to the south when i took the dogs out at 0630. I felt no breeze but we're somewhat sheltered here. Nevertheless it looked like good flying weather. I rolled out the driveway at 0700 and drove east into the gorgeous sunrise.

Driving East on Route 283 to Smoketown

A few flags were flapping, indicating a southwest breeze at 6-8 MPH. No problem -- I'll land on the grass today.

I pulled the airplane out, tied it down, and it started right up -- I'm getting spoiled. I rarely have to throw the prop more than two times (in fact I can't remember the last time it was hard to start). She idles smoothly at 1000 RPM. I give it a few minutes to warm up then pull the tiedown and chocks and climb aboard.

Ready to go!
By now the sky is bright and the sun is peering over the trees at the southeast edge of the field. A C150 taxis in -- someone else enjoys early morning flying.

Taxi down, runup, carb heat, mag check, idle check. Controls still good, trim nose down, check the sky, announce, roll onto the runway, get centered, hold brakes, gradually open throttle.

SmoketownAirport (S37)
The brakes can't hold so I let it roll at 2250 RPM. The controls come alive. She gets airborne and I push forward to accelerate in ground effect. What a great feeling -- drag-reduced, the speed increases and we're zipping along 10' above the runway. Satisfied all systems are go I release the pressure and let it climb.

Climbing out and heading West
I flew west, then headed north past Manhiem. The air was smooth and the air clear. I spotted Speedwell Forge lake (or what's left of it) in the distance, headed that way, then parelled the Pennsylvania turnpike until Route 501. I followed it north over the Furnace hills then entered a left downwind for Runway 25 at Keller Brothers.

Keller Brothers Airport (O8N)
I haven't been here since my checkride in May, 2002. I don't remember much but the wide, long, flat turf runway is a welcome sight. I keep it in tight, stay above the tree, and touch down gently on the grass.

There's a self-serve 100LL pump here and a small FBO building. I'll have to come back!

I taxi back on 25, turn, and add power. We bounce a bit and then the weight is borne by the wings and soon I'm climbing. i turn south, dodge some vultures, and then cross the hills. The Turnpike is below so I follow a minivan, who slows from 90 down to 75or so. High wing airplanes following highways invariably have this effect.

I look ahead and spot Ephrata. if I stay east of Ephrata I'll stay out of the LNS Class D airspace. It's no problem to let the tower know I need to fly through, but there's no sense making the traffic situation difficult. I listen on 120.9 and hear a few airplanes take off from Runway 31. I'll stay east and low in case someone's doing a straight in to 26, which soon comes in view in the distance, looking very long and inviting.

I descend to 1200' and fly over the farmland. It's smooth even lower. Soon Smoketown is in view. I'd love to keep flying but I need to change the oil and do an inspection and cleanup. I enter the pattern and do a fast low pass over runway 28. A zoom clim follows and then a tight pattern ending in a gentle touchdown on the grass.

I pull up to the hangar and let it run out of fuel. I pull off the cowling and wipe down the engine compartment. The warm oil flows freely and soon fresh Phillips XC 25W-60 is poured in.

The weather may permit another flight tomorrow morning!

Looking North towards Manhiem

A few high clouds but clear beneath

Hempfield School and Landisville, PA

Landisville, PA (looking North)

Lancaster, PA (Here I'm over West Lampeter)

Farmland near Manhiem, PA

Horse farm near Landisville, PA

Some haze early

The Aluminum tape over the oil pan blast hole helps keep the oil temperature up in the operating range


  1. Your writeup of the runup, takeoff roll and climb made me feel as if i was in the plane ;) I'm not a pilot but am taking lessons and am all wound up for my next lesson :) thank you forposting these.

    P.S. I enjoy taking photos and am impressed at how you can fly the plane and take good photos.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to write! Glad to hear you're learning to fly -- it never gets old.

  3. Very nice pictures and plane. I have a 7AC and keep it on a grass field. It has been so wet this winter I have not got to fly a lot. I am Hammmike on the aeronca forum.


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