Wednesday, January 25, 2012

No Go

I woke early to do some flying before heading to the office in Exton. The forecast seemed promising, but actual didn't agree.

I loaded up and was 5 miles down the road when I remembered the radio battery was still sitting in the garage.

Oh well -- if I do fly, I'll be alone at Smoketown. Just pay close attention and stay low once  you leave the airport area. Very few GA singles fly down here with the kites.

I stopped by the hangar and started to preflight. The wind was knocking the hangar door against its frame. I stood outside then walked down to the taxiway.The windsock on top of the FBO was varying 60 degrees and the sock at the other end of the runway was mostly showing winds from the northwest.

The sky was overcast and there was a haze -- not much, but enough to restrict visibility to 5 miles or so. I looked at my watch, headed back to the hangar, and closed up shop. A clear day NORDO would be acceptable, but a restricted visibility day is pushing it. Better to come back next time prepared.

It's supposed to clear this afternoon. I may be back early enough to get some time in before dark.


  1. Dan, Read your posts on a forum about the build up to purchase of the Aeronca. Seems like you had a good experience all round. Was it really like that?

    Would be very interested in your opinion of

    (Not sure how to contact you directly or to let you have my e-mail without making it publicly visible.)


  2. Yes! I'm truly enjoying the airplane, but it's a work in progress. That Aeronca in the ad looks nice!


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